

Page history last edited by Rebecca May 13 years, 10 months ago

Scott Walker's Budget Bill


Governor Walker’s Budget Proposal contains many provisions that affect a wide range of services and conditions in our state. Because its impacts are broad, it is difficult for an individual or single organization to assess all of the bill's consequences.


This site is intended to serve as a clearinghouse for documented information on provisions of every kind contained in the budget bill, in order to help the general public by collecting the summaries in one place. It will also provide continually updated links to articles and information pertaining to particular provisions. 


 The impact of the bill on Wisconsin residents is continually coming to light, and this "wiki" will be able to capture the information as it emerges. To add information, you must first be approved by the site administrators; to be approved you must provide evidence of your expertise in the field or of the documentation you will use to add content. The administrators reserve the right to edit and arrange content. 


There is a large and growing body of information available on various details of the budget and its probable impacts. For a useful and thorough analysis of the Budget Repair Bill, we have inserted a document directly from the Wisconsin Budget Project (http://www.wisconsinbudgetproject.org/budget_repair_bill.html). This link from the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families provides an excellent summary of provisions relating specifically to low-income families. (add link).


The site is best navigated by linking to the topics below. At each topic page, related provisions are briefly summarized and links to articles or other sources are provided. Each page also provides for comments and discussion.


We invite you to read this and share it with everyone you know. We welcome comments and suggestions from all readers - contact the site administrator with any questions, concerns, or suggestions (turnermay5@gmail.com).


The Budget Bill (SB27)

Describe the main provisions of this bill and link to topical pages





The Budget Repair Bill (SB11)



Link to summary:



Additional Budget Repair Bill Information/ Discussion 


Other links:





Wisconsin Budget Project blog posts on the budget adjustment bill are here.  


Other Legislation


This page lists other legislation recently proposed that relates to the budget bill or that is of general interest:


 Other legislation








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